A stranger arrives in a village with a crazy idea which turns everything on its head. What will happen? How will the villagers react to the foreign and the new? A format about values and change in our society.
The setting of Village X is a world where dreams range from Tropical Island, pimped-out cars and a date with the village beauty. This is where the current future of Europe is taking shape. People can't close themselves off against the pull of global events. They have to decide: How do we want to live together in the future? Do we want to be led by our fears and leave out the foreign or are we able to achieve integration? Based on this extremely zeitgeist-y, socially relevant set of issues, we developed a serial entertainment program that follows the course of things using a documentary approach. A provincial format with a new take on rural life that puts the village and its people in the center of things.
Idee & Headautoren
Dominik Bretsch, Simon Hufeisen
Buch & Regie
Tom Littlewood, Carolin Genreith, Rocco Di Mento, Lara Maria Olbeter
8 x 26 Minuten